Curriculum Development
The University of Denver faculty governance system is made up of Graduate Council and Undergraduate Council. These bodies are responsible for overseeing the configuration of academic degree and certificate programs along with establishing and maintaining academic standards across University curricula. As an academic service center reporting to the Office of the Provost, the Registrar's Office provides support to Academic Affairs and University faculty in the curriculum development process through administration of CourseLeaf, the University's system for managing courses, academic program requirements and the publication of the University of Denver Graduate and Undergraduate Bulletins.
Planning Considerations
Curriculum development activities align with the University's academic year. Whether proposing a new academic program or modifying aspects of an existing program, planning and consideration should involve admission cycles, course scheduling, registration periods, and the publication of the University's Graduate and Undergraduate Bulletins.
The infographic above overlays select course scheduling and registration activities against the backdrop of the academic calendar, curriculum approval bodies, and the editing cycle for the bulletin. Please refer to the Course & Scheduling Guide for more information about timelines specific to course scheduling activities.
Getting Assistance
If you need assistance proposing new curriculum, modifying and existing program, or working on the Bulletin, please contact either Dan Saunders or Paul McCarty in the Office of the Registrar. Dan and Paul are available to answer questions or for one-on-one consultations.