Curriculum Actions
This section will provide you with information required approvals curriculum proposals and changes along with links to necessary forms.
The processes for proposing new curricula or making changes to existing programs are categorized into four types, each aligned with academic governance policies.
The Curriculum Approval Matrix outlines the specific requirements and approvals needed for both new program proposals and modifications to current programs. The curriculum approval process is further mapped out by the New Program Proposal Flowchart and Changes to Existing Programs Chart.
Program Changes that Do Not Require Council Notification or Approval
• Changes to descriptive text
• Changes to courses
• Creation or elimination of tracks, emphases, options
• Non-course requirements (such as thesis or experiential learning)Program Changes and New Programs Requiring Council Presentation (Non-Voting)
• New Concentration
• New Continuing Education Unit Certificate, Micro-Credential, or Academic Badges
• Creation or Name Change of a Department
• Closure of a concentration or a credential from a continuing education programProgram Changes Requiring Council Approval (Voting)
• Credit hour changes
• Required courses from other departments
• Delivery or modality changes
• Resource related changes
• Closure of a degree, major, minor, credit-bearing certificate, or dual degree programNew Programs Requiring Council Approval (Voting)
• New degree
• New major
• New minor
• New credit-bearing certificate
• New dual degree program
Academic governance specifies different documents and forms be submitted depending on proposal type. The sections below contain detailed information and instructions for these requirements. Note: changing a program names require closing an existing program (e.g., major) and proposing a new program.
If you have questions about the type of change you are making or approval processes, email Daniel Saunders, Student System Analyst, .
Program Changes that Do Not Require Council Notification
Program changes that do not require Council Notification are made entirely within the CourseLeaf system using the CourseLeaf Program Proposal form. The re quested changes will go undergo approval within the college and approval from the Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs.
Changes to descriptive text
Changes to descriptive text include the description of the program in the bulletin and other narrative text that does not alter minimum credit hours for the program.
Please refer to the Editing the Program Form Job Aid for instructions on making these changes.
Changes to course requirements
These changes include required and elective courses within the program provided they are not using courses from other departments.
Please refer to the Program of Study Block Job Aid for instructions on making these changes.
Non-course requirements
Programs may make changes to non-course requirements including dissertation, thesis, comprehensive exams, and experiential learning requirements.
Please refer to the Program of Study Block Job Aid for instructions on making these changes.
Creation or elimination of tracks, emphases, options
Programs may create or eliminate tracks, emphases and options within a program. Note, unlike concentrations, these do not appear on transcripts.
Please refer to the Program of Study Block Job Aid for instructions on making these changes.
Program Changes and New Programs Requiring a Council Presentation (Non-Voting)
For any changes requiring a Council presentation, the initiator should be prepared to submit both an Informational Memo and the CourseLeaf Program Proposal form
(if applicable) for the Council meeting agenda.
New Concentration
This request will require:
- dean-approved Informational Memo
- CourseLeaf Program Proposal form
You may refer to the section on New Concentrations in the Academic Approval Guidelines if you need additional guidance in completing the proposal.
Please refer to the Program of Study Block Job Aid for instructions on creating the program requirements block in CourseLeaf.
New Continuing Education Unit Certificate, Micro-credential, or Academic Badge
This request will require:
This request is not recorded with the program proposal form.
Creation or Name Change of a Department
This request will require:
This request is not recorded with the program proposal form.
Closure of a concentration
This request will require the Informational Memo and a
CourseLeaf Program Proposal form
Program Changes Requiring Council Approval (Voting )
For any changes requiring a Council vote, the initiator should be prepared to submit both a Cover Sheet and the CourseLeaf Program Proposal form (if applicable) for the Council meeting agenda.
Changes to credit hours, required courses from other depts, modality or location, resources
This request will require:
- dean-approved Informational Memo
- CourseLeaf Program Proposal form
- Proforma (If resources are required)
Please refer to the Program of Study Block Job Aid for instructions on editing the program requirements block in CourseLeaf.
Closure of a degree, major, minor, or credit-bearing certificate
This request will require:
- Closure of a dual degree
New Programs Requiring Council Approval (Voting )
Excluding proposals for new dual degree programs, new program proposal require submission of a dean-approved Concept Proposal prior to initiating a program proposal in CourseLeaf.
New degree or major
This request will require:
- Dean-approved Concept Proposal
- CourseLeaf Program Proposal form
You may refer to the section on New Degrees and Majors in the Academic Approval Guidelines if you need additional guidance in completing the proposal. Please refer to the Program of Study Block Job Aid for instructions on creating the program requirements block in CourseLeaf
New minor
This request will require:
- Dean-approved Concept Proposal
- CourseLeaf Program Proposal form
- Proforma (only if it requires more resources )
You may refer to the section on New Minors in the Academic Approval Guidelines if you need additional guidance in completing the proposal. Please refer to the Program of Study Block Job Aid for instructions on creating the program requirements block in CourseLeaf.
New credit-bearing certificates
This request will require:
- Dean-approved Concept Proposal
- CourseLeaf Program Proposal form
- Proforma (only if this requires more resources)
You may refer to the section on New Certificates in the Academic Approval Guidelines if you need additional guidance in completing the proposal. Please refer to the Program of Study Block Job Aid for instructions on creating the program requirements block in CourseLeaf.
- New Dual Degree Program