Training Requirements
Guide: Matching Your CITI Account to Your DU SSO Account
The University of Denver requires all individuals to complete mandatory training who are investigators conducting human subjects research and their research meets the criteria for obtaining IRB approval or an IRB exemption. Principal investigators and any research staff that have interaction with human subjects (including survey research) or will collect identifying information or identifiable biospecimens must complete an appropriate human subjects research course before an IRB determination letter will be issued for a new project or new personnel can be approved to a study protocol.
Through the Collaborative Institution Training Initiative (CITI) Program, training courses are available for DU faculty, staff, and students to offer human subjects protection training as required by the federal government and DU IRB policies. Successful completion of a DU CITI course is valid for four years, then a refresher course must be completed. To maintain valid training after four years and completed courses are expiring, refresher courses are offered on the key courses that were previously completed. There is also Conflict of Interest training intended for investigators who receive funding from a PHS agency, including the National Institutes of Health (NIH), or who are required by DU to be familiar with the PHS financial conflicts of interest regulations. This training must be completed prior to the initial receipt of funds.
Training & Workshops
ORIE provides training workshops on navigating IRBNet, completing the IRB application and drafting consent documents.
To request a workshop or small group training session, please complete and submit a training request form to