Departmental Copy Services and Pricing

Send your copy jobs to us without leaving your office! Email them to Please contact Tony (x13184) if you have questions or problems. Custom bids available for orders over 10,000 total impressions.

Please include your name and your department telephone number for all copy projects.

Link To : SAMPLE Job Ticket


Black and White Copying:

Paper Colors - Colors displayed on your monitor may vary from the actual paper color. Exact samples can be viewed at the DU Quick Copy Center.

Paper Specifications

 8 1/2 x 11 inches

1 - 100   Copies

101 - 500   Copies

501 - 5000   Copies

5001+   Copies

  • 20# White
  • Customer Supplied Stock

$0.085 each

$0.065 each

$0.055 each

$0.045 each

  • 20# Pastel Colors
  • White Legal Size

$0.105 each

$0.085 each

$0.065 each

$0.055 each

  • 60# Hots Colors
  • 20# Colors, Legal
  • 60# White Letter
  • 70# Colors, Concept
  • Regular Cardstock (110# index)
  • 67# Hots Cardstock

$0.13 each

$0.11 each

$0.09 each

$0.08 each

 25% Cotton Thesis Bond

and Resume paper

$0.16 each


0.14 each

 add .07 to color

copy price


Color Copying:

Paper Specifications

1-10 Copies

11-100 Copies

101-500 Copies

Letter 8.5x11

$0.50 each

$0.35 each

$0.30 each

Legal 8.5x14

$0.75 each

$0.50 each

$0.40 each

Tabloid 11x17

$1.00 each

$0.70 each

$0.50 each


$1.50 each

$1.50 each


*add 7 cents per sheet for cardstock (thick cover paper).

Please note that while our Konica Minolta bizhub press  C1070  is a quality copier, it does have its limitations. Certain color shades will change slightly or be unattainable. Thanks for your understanding in this matter.


11 X 17 Copying:

Paper Specifications

Less than 500 Copies

500+ Copies

60# White

$0.14 each

$0.09 each

20# Pastels

$0.15 each

$0.10 each

The DU Quick Copy Center stocks recyclable papers. 
