Building On Our Strengths
We call this vision DU IMPACT 2025. It’s the direct result of thousands of interviews with students, faculty, friends, community partners, and yes, even our critics. Written by Chancellor Chopp and approved by the Board of Trustees in January 2016, it’s the perfect plan for our time and our university.
At the University of Denver, we have a bold vision for higher education. We will innovate around our strengths in teaching, learning and discovery. As an anchor institution dedicated to the public good, we will collaborate and innovate as we become one with our community. And we will accelerate the ways research can be used to address society’s most pressing problems.
Destined for Greatness
Not since the Industrial Revolution has higher education confronted the breadth of challenges we face today. Yet, in the midst of these challenges, we see opportunities. Our combination of liberal arts, graduate programs and professional education makes the University of Denver the perfect model to create the higher impact we seek.
We will be a crossroads of ideas, a marketplace for innovation and a hub for connections, all dedicated to the public good. And because this is a digital and connected world, what we do here will have a powerful impact across the globe. This plan, DU IMPACT 2025, matches our desire to reach the highest summits.